“Cannabis “

Across the world, more and more people are asking: Why is marijuana banned? Why are people still sent to prison for using or selling it?



In 1929, a man called Harry Anslinger was put in charge of the Department of Prohibition in Washington, D.C. But alcohol prohibition had been a disaster. Gangsters had taken over whole neighborhoods. Alcohol, controlled by criminals, had become even more poisonous. So alcohol prohibition finally ended, and Harry Anslinger was afraid. He found himself in charge of a huge government department, with nothing for it to do. Up until then, he had said that cannabis was not a problem. It doesn’t harm people, he explained, and “there is no more absurd fallacy” than the idea it makes people violent.


Harry J. Anslinger, commissioner of the Treasury Department’s Federal Bureau of Narcotics, poses for a photo on September 24, 1930.

Harry Anslinger

But then — suddenly, when his department needed a new purpose — he announced he had changed his mind. He explained to the public what would happen if you smoked cannabis First, you will fall into “a delirious rage.” Then you will be gripped by “dreams… of an erotic character.” Then you will “lose the power of connected thought.” Finally, you will reach the inevitable end-point: “Insanity.” Marijuana turns man into a “wild beast.“ If marijuana bumped into Frankenstein’s monster on the stairs, Harry Anslinger warned, the monster would drop dead of fright.

Harry Anslinger became obsessed with one case in particular. In Florida, a boy called Victor Licata hacked his family to death with an axe. Harry Anslinger explained to America: This is what will happen when you smoke “the demon weed.” The case became notorious. The parents of the U.S. were terrified.The evidence did Harry Anslinger had? It turns out at this time he wrote to the 30 leading scientists on this subject, asking if cannabis was dangerous, and if there should be a ban. “Twenty-nine wrote back and said no. Harry Anslinger, picked out the one scientist who said yes, and presented him to the world. The press  “obsessed with Victor Licata’s axe”cheered them on. The panic that gripped America, marijuana was banned. The U.S. told other countries they had to do the same. Many countries said it was a stupid idea, and refused to do it. Mexico decided their drug policy should be run by doctors. Their medical advice was that cannabis didn’t cause these problems, that mixing cannabis with other chemicals  and alcohol was the true factor and they refused to ban it. The U.S. was furious. Harry Anslinger ordered them to fall into line. The Mexicans held out ‘until’, in the end, the U.S. cut off the supply of all legal painkillers to Mexico. People started to die in agony in their hospitals. So with regret, Mexico dismiss from employment the leading scientist of Mexico,  and launched its own drug war. (1937}

© Susan Robertson 002.JPG
“marijuana Tax Act (1937) The marijuana Tax Act of 1937 effectively made possession or transfer of marijuana illegal throughout the United States under federal law, excluding medical and industrial uses, through imposition of an excise tax on all sales of hemp.”
People who have cancer, when they are in their last stages, they are in so much pain that morphine doesn’t even take the pain away. I know I have seen people I know who have passed away from cancer. Seeing them in that much pain tears right through the heart. I have also seen what Marijuana does to stop the pain. Wasn’t around them when they smoked it. But was there to see what it did for them. Phyllis was 89 years old. To be there with her when her frail body was in so much pain. I just go  and cry for her. What could I do but pray. When it comes to others lasts breath. I would rather see them calm and comfortable, than in pain. Just saying. What is your thought on this subject?

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